Updated: Mar 17, 2024

In honor of #womeninhorrormonth i’m Super Excited to announce to @everyone that our short #horrorablewomen is now #free to watch and available for all to see and share. Horror Able is currently in distribution and should be officially released by the summer. In the meantime, we hope you enjoy our Doc short. Thanks to all that #Contributed #shared #donated and #participated but most importantly #believed in our 2 part project. #inclusionmatters #womeninhorrormonth #SpreadTheWord #disabilityawareness https://www.bloodstainedfilms.com/copy-of-horror-able-1
We just updated our "WATCH NOW!" page on Blood Stained Films, click the link below to check out Horror Able Women at https://www.bloodstainedfilms.com/watch-now