Horror Review: “Maggie” VS. “The New Daughter”

Gory greetings horror peeps. I hope you’ve had a chance to catch up on all the freakish films and killer countdowns I’ve recommended for your horror fix so far. I figured I’d switch it up a bit with a horror review on two films with similarities, but very different in execution and delivery.
“Maggie” (2015) stars Arnold Swarzenegger and Abigail Breslin. Without spoilers, the film is about a man who is trying to help his daughter who has been infected with a zombie causing virus. Then there’s the slightly older film, “The New Daughter” (2009) starring Kevin Costner and Ivana Baquero. This film is also about a man with a daughter which begins exhibiting weird behavior after he’s moved his family into a new home in the secluded woods.
I have to admit…I was very reluctant in watching “Maggie” at first. I mean, this IS Arnold we are talking about. To be honest, I can’t remember a film I’ve watched with him actually starring in a dramatic role which involved heavy emotions. i procrastinated for a while until I decided to give the old “Expendable Terminator” a chance. To my surprise, I was really impressed the fucker pulled it off!
I didn’t hesitate to watch “The New Daughter.” I was really hexcited to see Ivana Baquero star in the film. The last and only thing I’ve watched with her was when she was much younger starring in my favorite fantasy horror, “Pans Labyrinth.” As for Kevin, I’ve always been a fan of his films. As far as this goes, I commend him for trying but he fell short with this one. I was sorely disappointed.
With “Maggie,” they did a great job with the character development and acting. The film portrayed a “Killer” story with an extremely morbid atmosphere. It has a nice buildup with a horror infused dramatic tone. This is a different take from your zombie norm. Worth the watch!
Getting back to “The New Daughter,” The character development was kinda shotty. Then there’s a sudden WTF moment and after it’s just meh! I had high hopes for this film, given the cast and all but it just didn’t CUT IT for Slaughter Cin.
Whelp! That’s it for today’s review. Come back to Stalk us again real soon. Until then, Stay Scary!